Quality, Health, Safety and Environment (QHSE)
Environment & Sustainability
- Reducing Green House Gas emissions by extracting and supplying Coal-Bed Methane which would otherwise be vented into the atmosphere
- Providing an alternative & cleaner source of energy to improve the air quality of the region
- Re-use to the maximum amount possible, our own produced water for our operations
Health & Safety
- Continuously improving processes towards our goal of zero accidents and injuries at the workplace as per ISO 45001 standards
- Regular safety committee meetings and training programs carried out for enhancing occupational health and safety practices
Business Conduct & Human Rights
- Respect all internationally proclaimed human rights
- Manage our business ethically and with integrity
- Be fully compliant with applicable laws
- Endeavour to provide a rewarding, fulfilling career for all our employees
- QHSE policy in place
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